U.S. Foreign Assistance By Country

Dominican Republic
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Country at a Glance

Income Group

Upper Middle Income Country


Western Hemisphere

Top ODA Donors

Japan - $198.4MUnited States - $71.13MKorea - $63.34MOPEC Fund for International Develop - $22.81MEuropean Union Institutions - $14.49M



85.5% Urban14.5% Rural



GNI per capita




ODA per capita


Government Tax Revenue (percent of GDP)


Fiscal Year
Funding Phase
All Agencies
Implementing Agency


All Agencies: 110M


Regional Rank: 8/36

Average90M8thDominican Republic110M36thBermuda11k1stColombia840M

Income Group Rank: 11/59

Average130M11thDominican Republic110M59thSt. Lucia25k1stIraq1.6B

Top Activities

Food for Progress: $21.0331 millionFood for Progress: $18.9487 millionAlerta Joven: $6.49903 millionCriminal Justice System Strengthened: $5.05384 millionLigthing Excitement for Excellency in Reading (LEER): $4.72981 millionUSAID Pay and Benefits: $4.2283 millionPresident's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief - PEPFAR Operational Plan Programs: $4.01856 millionAdvancing Partners and Community-based Family Planning: $3.3935 millionUSAID redacted this field in accordance with the exceptions outlined in the Foreign Aid Transparency and Accountability Act of 2016.: $3.11345 millionCivil Society Action for Accountable Justice and Security (Accin de la Sociedad Civil por la Seguridad y la Justicia (PASJ)): $3.08272 million
All Activities

Top Partners

National Cooperative Business Association CLUSA: $21.0331 millionInternational Executive Service Corps: $18.9487 millionEntrena S.A.: $6.74903 millionU.S. Government - Department of Defense: $5.24854 millionU.S. Government - U.S. Agency for International Development: $5.23701 millionChemonics International, Inc.: $5.05384 millionUniversidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE): $4.72981 millionNGO - United States Redacted: $4.40948 millionU.S. Government - Department of Health and Human Services: $4.32314 millionUnspecified Vendors - Dominican Republic: $4.08659 million

Top Sectors

Developmental Food Aid/Food Security Assistance: $40.1187 millionHIV/AIDS: $12.9074 millionBasic Education: $12.6351 millionGeneral Environmental Protection: $9.949 millionOperating Expenses: $8.37723 millionGovernment and Civil Society: $8.10852 millionOther Social Infrastructure and Services: $5.09751 millionConflict, Peace, and Security: $2.9306 millionEmergency Response: $2.36 millionAgriculture: $2.26641 million

Military vs. Economic

4% Military

96% Economic


Agency Flow

Funding Agency

Managing Agency


Department of the TreasuryU.S. Agency for International DevelopmentDepartment of AgricultureFederal Trade CommissionDepartment of StateDepartment of Health and Human ServicesDepartment of DefenseDepartment of JusticePeace CorpsDepartment of the InteriorInter-American FoundationDepartment of the TreasuryU.S. Agency for International DevelopmentFederal Trade CommissionDepartment of StateDepartment of Health and Human ServicesDepartment of AgricultureDepartment of DefenseDepartment of JusticePeace CorpsDepartment of the InteriorInter-American FoundationDominican Republic


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