U.S. Foreign Assistance By Country

Fiscal Year
Funding Phase
All Agencies
Implementing Agency


All Agencies: 190M


Regional Rank: 8/35


Income Group Rank: 10/56


Top Activities

Worldwide Aviation Support Services: $21.9799 millionEmergency Food Assistance: $10 millionTask Order under the Strengthening Tenure and Resource Rights (STARR) II IDIQ: $8.1371 millionPromoting Democratic Values and Political Dialogue in Peru: $7.355 millionUSAID Pay and Benefits: $6.54795 millionEmergency Humanitarian Assistance: $6 millionNatural Infrastructure for Water Security (NIWS): $5.87922 millionGreen Growth in Peru: $5.42984 millionIntegrando Horizontes Supporting Sustainable Sol: $4.675 millionTransparent Accountable Public Investment Activity: $4.1207 million
All Activities

Top Partners

AAR Corp: $21.4265 millionU.S. Government - U.S. Agency for International Development: $21.3711 millionEnterprise - Non United States Other: $11.5543 millionWorld Food Program: $10.3 millionDevelopment Alternatives, Inc.: $8.1371 millionSave the Children Federation, Inc.: $8.086 millionEnterprise - United States Redacted: $7.11759 millionWorld Vision: $6.45042 millionForest Trends Association: $5.87922 millionConservation International: $5.42984 million

Top Sectors

Emergency Response: $47.5441 millionOperating Expenses: $33.2278 millionGeneral Environmental Protection: $32.2312 millionOther Social Infrastructure and Services: $22.4038 millionAgriculture: $12.7231 millionBasic Health: $9.03175 millionOther Multisector: $8.4354 millionGovernment and Civil Society: $8.20506 millionConflict, Peace, and Security: $5.28309 millionDisaster Prevention and Preparedness: $4.27222 million

Military vs. Economic

2% Military

98% Economic


Agency Flow

Funding Agency

Managing Agency


U.S. Agency for International DevelopmentDepartment of the TreasuryInter-American FoundationDepartment of StateDepartment of TransportationDepartment of JusticeDepartment of AgriculturePeace CorpsDepartment of StateDepartment of the TreasuryInter-American FoundationDepartment of Health and Human ServicesDepartment of TransportationU.S. Agency for International DevelopmentDepartment of JusticeDepartment of AgriculturePeace CorpsPeru


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