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U.S. Foreign Assistance Website Consolidation

The U.S. government operates two websites that serve as repositories for foreign assistance data reported from the over 20 U.S. government agencies that manage foreign assistance programs around the world. The websites, and Foreign Aid Explorer, are operated by the Department of State (State) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), respectively, and they each play important roles in advancing the accessibility and transparency of U.S. foreign assistance information for stakeholders.

For more information you can download the U.S. Foreign Assistance Website Consolidation Fact Sheet.


To fully address the data differences and ensure the public has access to an authoritative source on foreign assistance funding, USAID and State are working together to execute a three-phase consolidation solution. The outcome is an aid transparency reporting and publication process that is sustainable, of high quality, and timely, and fulfills all domestic and international aid transparency requirements.

What are the primary differences between each site?

 Foreign Aid
Reporting FrequencyPublishes data quarterly and visualizes annual datasets for the OECD/DAC and Overseas Loans and Grants (Greenbook) reports.Collects data quarterly and publishes on a continuous basis
Data CollectedMakes available project-level obligation and disbursement data provided to fulfill the annual OECD/DAC and Greenbook reporting requirements.Collects transaction-level obligation and disbursement data as reported by agencies quarterly; annual budget data; and program and results data and documentation.
Mandates AddressedVisualizes data used for OECD/DAC and Greenbook reporting purposes as outlined by OMB Bulletin 12-01 and the Foreign Assistance Act.Publishes data as required by Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Bulletin 12-01 and Foreign Aid Transparency and Accountability Act and fulfills U.S. commitments to the International Aid Transparency Initiative.
Historic Data AvailabilityHas complete data from 1946 through 2018, with complete data published for 2019 and 2020 as the data is verified and validated.Includes mostly complete data from agencies covering FY2015 to present, and limited data for some agencies from FY2006-FY2014
Publishing MethodologyData published to Foreign Aid Explorer is reported by agencies through quarterly data calls or through an annual data call, validated, and adapted prior to OECD/DAC and Greenbook report publication.All published data is generated, verified, and owned by the 22 agencies required to report per OMB Bulletin 12-01.